
In 1997 Revolux realised a complete replacement (hardware and software) for the outdated Disk/Fax system, intensively used by STATEC in Luxembourg to handle INTRASTAT declarations from PSIs, received on by telecommunications (e-mail, ftp, modem) and diskettes. In 2010, after 12 years of successful operation, the system was again replaced by a new .NET and SQL-server based solution.

The new system, named Alice, processes all Intrastat and Balance Of Payment declarations sent in by Luxembourgish companies. The declarations are -when required- unzipped and decrypted and afterwards checked for errors  and stored in a SQL-server database by an high speed XML-processor. Erroneous declarations can be fixed by the Alice-operator and periodically data can be uploaded to Statecs mainframe.

Apart from this processing, which is performed using a windows-forms application, the processing-log plus the resulting data can be viewed using a ASP.NET based web application.


The system is -since 1997- maintained by Revolux with an MTBF (Mean Time Between Failure) of more than 9 months and a MTTR (Mean Time To Repair) of less than 4 hours.